Can we keep the app open in new ticket create page?

Hello Team,

We have developed the APP and we are using it on new ticket create page.

When a user goes for creating a new ticket, we want to keep our APP active.

Can anyone suggest me how to achieve it?

Akhil S K

Hi Akhil,

Thanks for sharing the details. If I understand the use-case correctly, you would like to keep the app in activated state even during the transitions?

Yes, Hem.

I would like to keep the APP opened on new ticket create page.

Please let me know if it is possible??

Akhil S K

Hi Akhil,
Unfortunately, the app.activated event cannot be fired programmatically. At the moment, it is based on user interactions. Although the state can be persisted using data storage, the placeholder has to be clicked / brought into scope in order for the event to fire.

Thanks for the help, Hem.