Cannot add website user properties to wordpress freshchat widget

I am trying to add user properties which are fields (i want these fields to be unique to the website, not to the individual customer) :
support_email: ‘support email for each unique website i want to integrate freshchat into’
googlesheet link: ‘table of services for each unique website’ (if there is a way to load any table here that would do too but a gsheet link works aswell for me)

Our agents need these two things pertaining to the queries that they will be answering or helping website visitors with.
I want to add these two things here by the agent inbox sidebar.

The wordpress website has plugin freshdesk in which i have tried the following code, i have tried adding all the code many ways but have been unsuccessful:

Tried compressing everything into siteId

siteId: ‘dummywebsite3 | Servicestable: | AL_login:

What is the best way to add the things to sidebar? I tried smartplug but i cant get that to work either with googlesheet PUTjson request.