Change Install button text


Is it possible to change the text of the “Install” button on the config page?

@Vvikas ,
Good day, Welcome to the community!

it is not possible to change the text of the button.

Hope it helps


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Thank you for your guidance

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Hi @Santhosh,

I get that we can not change the text but can we make it disable or show/hide the button? Or we have 0 control over the “Install” button

Hi @Vvikas,

Could you please expand on your requirement to modify or control the Install buttons for the app?
It would help advise if there are any other workarounds possible.

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Hi @Raviraj,

I have the installation form divided into steps. So on Step 1, I would like to have “Next” button instead of “Install button”

you can’t change the functionality of the install button but, There is a workaround,
until all your stepper completion, return false in the validate function (this will prevent the app gets installed.) and use the next button inside the Iparams page itself to navigate b/w steppers.

I hope this will solve your problem


Hi @Santhosh,

Nice suggestion, thank you for helping out :raised_hands:

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