Error using API mercadolibre: AuthorizationError: Your client callback has to match with the redirect_uri param

i´m trying to open “http://localhost:10001/custom_configs” to generate my access token but i got this error:

in the mercadolibre api i am using the follow URL:
Testing : http://localhost:10001/auth/callback

could someone explain to me what i could do to fix it?

Hi @taylorbyks,

I hope, MercadoLibre is expecting the callback URL to be an exact match. Not sure if query parameters are allowed.

Could you try out Custom apps if the same error faced?

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Hi @Raviraj,

Query parameters are allowed, but MercadoLibre is expecting a “https” not “http”.

I tested with production URL(this have https), it is working. Could you help me run in testing URL?

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@taylorbyks Currently, local testing is only available via “http”.

An workaround that I can suggest is to use ngrok to generate a “https” URL generated and forwarded to http://localhost:10001 domain and port by running the following command.

ngrok http 10001

Please update if this works for your use-case.

I can still take up the need for https as a feedback and move this topic to feedback category to validate the request to add it to our roadmap. Other developers needing the same can upvote on the topic.

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@Raviraj, I already tested with ngrok, unfortunately it didn’t work

@taylorbyks Could you share what is the issue with using ngrok domain for local testing?