📍 Freshworks Developers Bulletin - March 2021

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Hi everyone!

This month, the developer community TURNS ONE! Woohoo! It’s been a fun ride so far, and we want to take a moment to say thank you to all of you for tagging along and contributing to building this community.:heart:

Highlights of the month

We are super excited to announce that Crayons has been listed as an open-source library on Open Web Components. Check out the blog below to learn more about how you can use Crayon to add colors to the Freshworks experience!

Read more.

What’s App’ening

Config app for Freshdesk

iparams.json is an easy way for Freshworks developers to implement the configuration code by writing as little source-code as possible. See config/ and get started using it in your apps!

Check it out here

Freshdesk App Placeholders

Apps on the Freshworks developer platform can be located in different placeholders. Here is the sample code that is available for apps that run on browser in-product experience.

Check out

Pro tips💫

  • Use domain and api_key iparam fields to validate the Freshworks product’s API key automatically.
  • When some large NPMs are used, the serverless app could trigger the method before the complete library loads and could result in an error in any stage while using the library. Check out this Wiki article to find out how to debug and resolve it.
  • To fetch any details from the current page where the app has been loaded, use Data Methods. These methods do not have any rate limits, which provides the freedom to use them in any part of the application flow.

Byte-sized Humor😂

Why did the web developer leave the restaurant?

Because of the table layout!

Help us help you!:handshake:

Thoughts? Comments? Feedback? Write to us - we’d love to hear from you!

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