How to access Modal data in freshservice


I could use some help further understanding how to access data in a modal iFrame. My goal is to obtain data from a text area from within a modal generated from the ticket properties sidebar in freshservice.

At the moment I am simply trying to test its functionality but I can’t even get a simple “Click” function that console.logs a “Hello World” to run on a button from within the modal. Works fine from within the sidebar app but not the modal, so I assume they function differently.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. This has me stalled in the co


Here is an example of my code:
app.js -
$(document).ready( function() {


        .then(function(_client) {

          window.client = _client;


            function() {






// Function that will create modal and slide out with text area for notes

function showModal() {

    client.interface.trigger("showModal", {

        title: "New Note",

        template: "modal.html",

      }).then(function(data) {


      }).catch(function(error) {




// Function to get and handle data from modal

function getModalData() {

  $('#saveBtn').click(function () {

    console.log('Hello World!')




      }.catch(function(error) {


      showNotification('error', 'Error', 'Unable to retrieve data')




// Function to handle all notifications (error, success, etc.)

function showNotification(type, title, message) {

    client.interface.trigger('showNotify', {

        type: `${type}`,

        title: `${title}`,

        message: `${message}`

    }).catch(function (error) {

        console.log('Notification Error : ', error);



modal.html -

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="app.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="modal.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
      <fw-textarea cols=68 rows=30 label="Note Pad" placeholder="Type your notes here..." state="normal" id="textArea"></fw-textarea>
      <fw-button color="primary" id="saveBtn"> Save <fw-icon name="add-note" color="white"></fw-icon></fw-button>

Thank you


Hey @Zach

You can use instance API to send data from modal and to the parent, client.instance.send() and client.instance.receive() can be used to achieve the same.

Here is a reference to help you with that,

Hi @velmurugan, is there a way to get the data out of a modal without having to populate it to the parent? What I am seeing is that when I use client.instance.context() I can get a data property from the showModal. But when I use send() and receive() I can’t get data to populate in the console.

// Function that will create modal and slide out with text area for notes

function showModal() {

  client.interface.trigger("showModal", {

      title: "New Note",

      template: "modal.html",

      data: ""

    }).then(function(data) {


    }).catch(function(error) {




// Function to get and handle data from modal

function getModalData() {

  $('#saveBtn').click(function () {

    // client.instance.context()

    //   .then(function(context){

    //   console.log('Model instance API context', context);

    //   });


      message: {name: "Zachary King"}


    client.instance.receive(function (event) {

      let data = event.helper.getData();





Not sure what I am doing wrong. What would be the best way to grab data from a text area in a modal so that it is available to send in a post request to a third party application?


The simplest way to do that is to create a modal.js file and include it under script source of modal.html file
just make sure the modal.js is in the below format

$(document).ready(function () {
.then(function (_client) {
  window.client = _client;

just use app.initilized callback, not both app.initialized and app.activated, Here is a sample