Is the contact field "unique_external_id" is available only for Estate and Forest pricing plans?

Hi Team!

I have faced a problem that unique_external_id can’t be used while retrieving the contact data using unique_external_id.

I have created a trial account in Freshdesk and the pricing plan is Estate. Then I tried to retrieve the contact data by passing unique_external_id as a query parameter and results in getting success data response. After that, I switched my current pricing plan to all other plans. I am getting an error response when I switched to Blossom and Garden plans but not in the Forest plan.

The error message is,

"response": {
    "description": "Validation failed",
    "errors": [
            "field": "unique_external_id",
            "message": "can't be used",
            "code": "invalid_value"

When I tried to list all the contact data, I got a success response.

Sample Contact Response from Blossom and Garden plans

        "active": false,
        "address": "7, Stone Hill, W 240 St, NY",
        "company_id": null,
        "description": null,
        "email": "",
        "id": 81007739845,
        "job_title": null,
        "language": "en",
        "mobile": null,
        "name": "Bob Tree",
        "phone": "(829)-570-1297",
        "time_zone": "Chennai",
        "twitter_id": null,
        "custom_fields": {},
        "facebook_id": null,
        "created_at": "2020-05-16T00:18:18Z",
        "updated_at": "2020-05-16T00:18:18Z",
        "csat_rating": null,
        "preferred_source": "email",
        "twitter_profile_status": false,
        "twitter_followers_count": null

Sample Contact Response from Estate and Forest plans

        "active": false,
        "address": null,
        "company_id": null,
        "description": null,
        "email": null,
        "id": 26008382792,
        "job_title": null,
        "language": "en",
        "mobile": null,
        "name": "+13109564353",
        "phone": "+13109564353",
        "time_zone": "Chennai",
        "twitter_id": null,
        "custom_fields": {},
        "facebook_id": null,
        "created_at": "2019-12-06T09:48:01Z",
        "updated_at": "2019-12-06T09:48:01Z",
        "csat_rating": null,
        "preferred_source": null,
        "unique_external_id": null,
        "twitter_profile_status": false,
        "twitter_followers_count": null

Comparing these two responses, I found that unique_external_id is not present in the Blossom and Garden plans.

Now, my question is, is this product’s default behavior that the field unique_external_id can’t be used in the Blossom and Garden plan based accounts?

Hi @Saravanakumar_Raju,

It is the default behavior. The unique_external_id field is available only on the Estate and Forest plan.

This article will help on how to use it and which plans it is available.

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