Issues in fw-select Crayons UI

We have encountered some issues in fw-select while implementing the Crayons UI for one of our public app in the marketplace.

Test Scenarios executed for the above one

  1. Whenever we tried to set the values for the select-box eg. $(’#group’).val([“11000075356”,“11000075352”]), the values are selected but we could see an error in the console window. Please find an image below


  2. We set the two values in the select-box eg. $(’#group’).val([“11000075356”,“11000075352”]). The values are shown and now we are deselecting these two values manually. After this, when we tried to fetch the value of this select-box eg. $(’#group’).val() , it shows the last value which was present in the select-box after removal.

  3. When we tried to change the state of the select-box from “normal” to “error” eg.$(’#group’).attr(‘state’,‘error’), the state attribute value gets changed but the color of the select-box border and stateText are not changed.

Hi @Sheik

Hope you are doing well!

Thank for pointing out these issues. we are able to reproduce these issues and we will log these as bugs and start working on it! We will keep you posted about the updates.

Hi @velmurugan,
Thanks for your timely reply.
We have implemented crayons for the public app. We have almost completed but we are holding this app from being published because of this issue in select. We are in urge to publish the app in the marketplace. Can you please share the ETA for resolving this issue?

hi @Sheik,

Issue 2 is fixed and pushed a couple of weeks ago, sorry for the delay to update here!

Now that we made Crayons Open source, Feel free to create issues and contribute in our repo

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