Publishing marketplace App updates

So I have an app already published in the marketplace but i have to push a new build for that app on the marketplace as a couple of new features have been added. While adding a new version , there’s 2 messages been shown in the popup-

  1. Update the app to current version for existing users
  2. Note: By adding a new version you will no longer be able to make changes in the current live version
    Can anybody explain me the exact meaning of above two ?
    According to point 1, will app be automatically updated for the people who have already installed it ? Or will they get an option to do so
    According to point 2, what changes I will no longer be able to do in my current live version ? I don’t understand that, I don’t want to mess up my current app which is working and published on marketplace.
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It means once your app is approved, it will automatically update for all the accounts who have installed it. If not clicked, the app needs to be updated by the respective admins by clicking update.

Once a version of the app is live, you can only publish another version of it and cannot modify the existing version’s app code since it is already live.

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