Requests not working

I’m developing a custom app and I’m having the following problem…

I’m getting custom fields from a ticket as follows:

onTicketCreateHandler: function (args) {

var requestTicketCustomFields =;

var client =;

var produtooperadora;

var categoria;

var subcategoria;

for (var property in requestTicketCustomFields) {
  if (requestTicketCustomFields[property] != null) {
    if (property.includes("cf_produtooperadora")) {
      produtooperadora = requestTicketCustomFields[property]
    if (property.includes("cf_categoria")) {
      categoria = requestTicketCustomFields[property]
    if (property.includes("cf_subcategoria")) {
      subcategoria = requestTicketCustomFields[property]

The code above is working normally.

After executing this part I create an object to receive the information I want, like this:

const apiRequest = {

      Category_: categoria,

      SubCategory_: subcategoria,

      ProductOperator_: produtooperadora,

      Client_: client


Once that’s done, I send this object to a third party API where I’ll check the information of this object and return some information. I’m sending this object as follows:

var response = {

      headers: {

        "Content-Type": "application/json"


      body: JSON.stringify(apiRequest)


    var sla;

    $"", response)


        function (data) {

          sla = data;


        function (error) {

          console.log("O erro abaixo ocorreu ao efetuar a requisição que retorna o sla.");




So far, everything is working. The next step would be to post the variable that received the API data. However, this is where the error arises, when I try to post the variable on the site it returns a “No content”, I did some tests on my API using postman and it returns the information normally. I don’t know why this is happening… the way I’m trying to send this variable is as follows:

var responseApiCsharp = {

        headers: {

          "Content-Type": "application/json"


        body: JSON.stringify(sla)


      $"", responseApiCsharp)


          function (data) {



          function (error) {



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Hi @Lucas_de_Lagos_Pando

Where are you calling the post to “”?
It should after the attribution to “sla” var.
Remember that you are dealing with async calls.


Hi @samuelpares

I redid the last bit of code a little bit differently… I didn’t understand why it wasn’t working before, but I’ll leave the code up to date here:

  $"https://url/api/RelationshipRecord", response)
      function (data) {
        obj = JSON.parse(data.response);

        var responseApiCsharp = {
          headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/json"
          body: JSON.stringify(obj)

        $"", responseApiCsharp)
            function (data) {
            function (error) {

The change I made was the sla variable I replaced with “obj = JSON.parse(data.response);” and made the post to the in the promisse itself.

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Is it working now?
This code looks fine.

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Yes, now the code is working normally.
