Sending Messages to Customers

Hi, I want to be able to send messages out to customers though the available channels via API. There is this endpoint:{conversation_id}/messages, but it is not clear to me if this will deliver the message to the end-user or if the payload is the same for all channels. In addition, it is not clear if this will work for all channels - consider the restriction for WhatsApp, for example.

Also, how does this Freshchat API related to the Freshdesk API endpoint:{id}/reply?

Can someone help clarify the questions around sending messages to customers?


As long as the conversation exists and the same conversation id is being used in the API{conversation_id}/messages, it should work for WhatsApp; This is applicable to other channels as well;

This API has no dependencies/relation to Freshdesk API endpoint for tickets.

If you would need to send messages to WhatsApp end user who hasn’t initiated an conversation yet, you could use the Outbound messages API

Thanks Anand, is it possible to send out through multiple channels in Freshdesk also, and not just with Freshchat?