Serverless app failing due to random number appended in custom field attribute

Hi All,

We have built a serverless app and when we are trying to log the ticket details received from the argument “onTicketCreateEvent” in sit environment. However, we have observed that some random number is getting appended to the attribute name of the custom fields, due to which code logics are failing .
Please check the screenshot attached with this post.

Thanks for reporting this @Nazma_Shaik

By the looks of the property it appears like a custom field. But I am also not sure from the freshdesk docs why there’s an _123456 random number gets appended. Usually, its the name of custom field itself.

@App-Platform-Squad - Could this possibly be a bug?

Hi @Nazma_Shaik

Is it a trial instance? I remember custom fields appended with account id in trial instances.

Hi @Sachin S Kumar ,

This is not a trail instance, it’s a paid instance.

Hi @Nazma_Shaik

I believe this is out of the box behavior when you try to use the data from payload received in your handler. The OOB payload will have custom fields appended by account id. I faced the similar situation and the work around was to fetch the ticket details using Get Ticket API.

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