Unable to reload the tickets page automatically in Freshservice

Product: Freshservice
App component: Frontend

I am developing a custom app for our Freshservice instance. Part of the app adds a note and a reply to the ticket via the Request API, so I need to be able to refresh the ticket view page to show the newly added note and reply. There does not appear to be any way to do this via an API call documented at https://developers.freshservice.com/docs/quick-start/

I have tried using parent.location.reload() in my app to reload the page, but it is blocked by CORS (see attached image). I have whitelisted “https://d3h0owdjgzys62.cloudfront.net” in my app’s manifest file, but I can’t see any way to whitelist cross-origin requests from the app in the Freshservice instance itself.

Is there any way to allow the app to refresh the ticket view in order to show the newly added note and reply?

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Currently, it is not possible to refresh or reload the ticket page from the app. The only way to see the newly added notes is by manually reloading the page.

A way to refresh the ticket details page after an update would be a great feature to have. Luckily, we still have the functionality built into freshservice that will pop up an alert that there is an update and will prompt the Agent to refresh for the latest information.

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@shravan.balasubraman and @Zach, I will let the Freshservice product team know about your interests in this feature addition. Thank you for your valuable feedback.