What is the webhook callback URL for production apps in Freshdesk?

Hi Team,

I did Freshdesk integration with facebook in local.
Here is Callback URL:


//ngrok using


Using successfully registered in facebook callback URL.

Need to integrate with facebook in production
What is the callback URL using to register in facebook, when app is deployed in sandbox.

Thank you.

Hi Karuppu Samy,

Webhook URL is unique for an installation, you can register webhook through onAppInstaller and generateTargetUrl. Hope this sample app helps - marketplace-sample-apps/Play-Along/Exercises/fundamentals/level3 at master · freshworks/marketplace-sample-apps · GitHub

Hi @Raghu_Murugesan,

Thanks for your response

This is our localhost to intergate with facebook:

Now iam going to deploy app in our sandbox, facebook need callback URL?

This is our reference:


Hi Karuppu Samy,

We recommend to programmatically register webbooks through the install handler. Please refer below docs for the Facebook webhook registration


Hope this helps.

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