Upload image API

Is there an API for uploading an image in my FreshService full-page app?

A full-page app is essentially a HTML page that you can choose to design how you like. As such, there are no image upload APIs that come with it. You will have to use an external service to host your image, and write necessary code (form, validation etc.) to perform the upload.

That said, can you give us some details on what you are trying to accomplish here? What is your required workflow?


My app is a template for writing solutions articles, since FreshService doesn’t have this functionality built in. Once they submit an article via the app, a new article is created in FreshService, where it can be edited like any other article. Of course, the writer could insert an image after the article has been created in FreshService, but it would make a much better user experience if they could insert it at the same time they are writing. Since FreshService already has an image handler, it could be made available via an API, and that’s what I’m hoping already exists.

There’s a post on here from a couple years ago that suggests this feature used to exist in FreshDesk, but doesn’t any longer. I’m crossing my fingers that some progress has been made since then, and that the API is available in FreshService.